Hotel Whistler swaps beds for desks

Hôtel Whistler, nestled between Gare du Nord and Gare de l’Est could only be themed to the concept of trains. The decor recreates the atmosphere of legendary trains of La Belle Epoque. 31 rooms in this boutique hotel have been designed like cabins, with characteristic details like luggage racks and pull-down bureaus.

Hotel Whistler, Paris

A modular room: foldaway beds make room for private breakfasts or mini meetings. Folding meeting tables, quick to assemble were essential and our Alu-Lite did the trick, being extremely light. The Light Oak tops and natural aluminum legs make the most of the light available in the small space.

Hotel Whistler, Paris room with foldup bed and meeting room setup

“The tables and chairs that we have selected bring brightness in the rather dark room, but if one thing really seduced us, it is how light they are, we store them at a different level from the meeting room and in fact it is very easy to transport them. And on the practical side, they are also rather pretty.”

– Hôtel Whistler

Custom made meeting room chairs were upholstered in a light coloured fabric to match the room. The chairs can be stacked up to 10 chairs high, when they are not required. Fluted gold chair frames fit in with table accessories, light fittings and fixtures in the room.